Friday, January 28, 2022

H2H is Popular but B2B Isn’t Dead: Stay Ahead With These 3 Tips


There’s a lot of hype about Human-to-Human marketing and its effectiveness at increasing loyalty and your profit margin. But Business-to-Business marketing isn’t dead and still has a place in the world and online. According to DC Velocity, as we move toward a post-pandemic era, the inaugural report estimates an additional $140 billion dollars will be spent on B2B strategies. Normally we advise against following the crowd, however offering B2B products and services could just be following the money.

As the marketing landscape prepares for a post-pandemic rebound, keep these 3 B2B tips in mind in order to stay ahead of your competition.

1. Strengthen Your Partnership With Your Sales Team

While your marketing team is cycling through the process of launching campaigns, analyzing data, and following up-and-coming trends, your sales team is out in the field, navigating the front lines. The informal and organic nature of conversations between your customers and sales reps often lead to innovative ideas and a wishlist of wants and needs. This is not a resource that should be overlooked or taken for granted. Your sales team can provide you with insider information on the latest trends and changes that are happening at microlevels before they become macro. This gives you and your company the opportunity to maximize opportunities long before your competition even becomes aware of them.

2. Determine Your Target Audience Based on Your Expertise

Your company is successful because your employees are professionals who specialize in the products and services that your company offers. Don’t make the mistake of trying to offer a little bit of everything and end up with, at best, a reputation of being mediocre. Determine your target audience based on those who will benefit most from what your company offers and build your brand’s reputation as being the best. When marketing to your audience, be sure the message is specific and strategic. Your customers will appreciate knowing exactly what you offer and what contact methods are available.

3. Review Your Brand

Does your brand reflect the quality and top reputation you set out to build? Does your target audience leave five-star reviews and provide a steady stream of referrals? Even if the answer is yes, you still need to review your brand to make sure that it’s aligned with your company’s values and services. A product or service that is #1 in quality will still fail to profit if the brand is unknown or tarnished. Periodically Googling yourself and your company and interacting with your target audience on social media platforms are just two simple ways to make sure your brand is in pristine shape.

As marketing trends ebb and flow, so too does the balance between H2H and B2B strategies. With businesses transitioning from online to back in-person, the needs of businesses are changing and will continue to change. As you consider the direction of your brand, keep these three B2B tips in mind to successfully reach your target audience and continue growing your company.

Want to Enter Into Luxury Markets Across the Globe? Our Partnership With The Luxury Network Can Help


Businesses and consumers may be continents apart, but Ascendant Group’s global team specializes in Human-2-Human marketing strategies resulting in emotional connections that close the gap when it comes to consumer loyalty. In June 2021, Ascendant Group announced its long-term global strategic partnership with The Luxury Network UAE (United Arab Emirates), a private membership club established in capitals around the world that uses an elite marketing model.

Raoul Davis, CEO of Ascendant Group, explains that the shift from Business-2-Business to Human-2-Human models forces CEOs to rethink their marketing and branding strategies in order to develop an emotional connection with consumers. By combining Ascendant Group’s H2H marketing expertise with The Luxury Network’s (TLN) elite marketing model, our clients will be able to propel their presence in the highly competitive luxury marketing landscapes including Dubai and Abu Dubai.

What makes this partnership invaluable to our clients are opportunities in attending exclusive TLN-curated and TLN-sponsored events, networking, media sharing and exposure from local to international outlets, strategic product placement, highly sought endorsements, and the combined knowledge of these two reputable companies. In addition, The Luxury Network CEO, Juan Perez, said this partnership “will help us to continue to invest in creating safe spaces where our teams and members can learn, grow, and become the industry leaders we know they can be, in the luxury field and in life."

Since 2004, Ascendant Group has been built on referrals and inspired by trust to become the #3 branding agency out of 11,400 worldwide on Adworld Masters. Our team of international professionals works with clients worldwide to meet their unique branding needs from CEOs to fortune 500 companies.

Since 2006, The Luxury Network UAE has established a reputation of trust, knowledge, and expansive professional connections. It is a private marketing and business club with more than 700 members whose fields include aviation, jewelry, banks, and automobiles. TLN UAE also works with many charities and social organizations to fulfill a commitment to social responsibility and positive community impact.

To learn more about how about this partnership can lead to new opportunities for you and your business, contact us through our website or email Raoul Davis at

For more information and to read the original article on Yahoo! Finance, click here.

Be sure to visit The Luxury Network’s website at

Expand your business into giant shape with PR firms Philadelphia

 PR firms Philadelphia has changed the overall scene of the market for small players. Their professionals say that any small merchant can become a big giant of business world provided he/she walks accurately to the turns of the market. Their team has experienced writers, analysts, surveyor, senior managers who can easily put preparations to take your  small scale business into a limelight vision. Only customized professional strategies can prove a magnet to attract new customers and sustain current client age. They know that how making of  your corporate leader into a personal brand can help drive top-line revenue, develop a more portable brand to use inlaunching new divisions (or a new company) and build a legacy.

You may also receive some fascination from the above-mentioned information. This information can be your cup of tea in your road of success with your dealing with experienced professional minds. A war of visibility begins by putting the right message directly in front of yourtarget audience. Our professionals are experts in using a strategic blend of thought leadership. You can leave broad impressions by your participation inspeaking engagements, publishing and savvy public relations with your one call to PR firms Philadelphia.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Leticia Gomez and the Art of Not Taking No for an Answer


As one of the most sought-after literary agents in all of America, this snazzy Latinx has helped countless clients secure deals with some of the biggest players in the world of publishing. To date, she has sold more than 200 non-fiction and fiction projects to independent and traditional publishers and is sitting pretty at the 1st spot for narrative self-help, 4thspot on the list of the best non-fiction/advice agents in the country, the 5th for non-fiction narrative agents and the 9thamongst non-fiction book agents. While these numbers fluctuate with the business, Leticia consistently stays in the top ranking. Additionally, Gomez has also had the rights to several of her projects optioned for films and/or television series. 

Yet, there is something very human about her own story. Gomez wasn’t always the relentless, successful agent we see her as now. Long ago she was a Latinx struggling to be taken seriously and recognized by mainstream traditional publishers as a geographically-challenged and underdog agent.

What she did have was a rambunctious spirit and a desire to succeed no matter what. With this mantra at heart, Gomez began serving a who’s who of entrepreneurs, executives, and sports figures. She remains committed to supporting underdog authors who, with the right assets, can be wildly successful.

In the 15 years since, Gomez has worked day in and day out to get to where she is today. She put in extra effort to develop an expertise in both fiction and non-fiction publishing, one book at a time, and also worked on enhancing her understanding of the market for books in general. This, coupled with the first-hand experience of building Savvy Literary Services from the ground up, have rendered her the ideal person for writers to seek practical and relevant advice from. 

Perhaps that is why, Gomez has decided to impart her wisdom to the world. One would think she is set for life but ever the curious cat, this go-getter has no plans of slowing down and just recently, has started her very own series of workshops for universities, corporations and nonprofit institutions and the people therein to learn and tell their stories better. 

What sets Gomez’s workshops apart is the fact that she is bi-lingual and so, appeals to both English-speakers and the Latinx living in America. One could say she is a champion of the downtrodden, encouraging them to break the shackles of society and go after what they believe in.

Each session in the workshop is customized as per the audiences and features interactive activities to keep them engaged. Some of the topics Gomez often speaks about include:

· Traditional vs. independent publishing 

· Nonfiction book proposals 

· Advances and royalties for writers 

· Sale of film, television, and foreign rights 

Typically, the workshop begins with Gomez coming clean about her life as a Latinx woman from a very humble background and how she was able to break the glass ceiling, nonetheless, making it to the top with just a high-school diploma in hand. She will also inform her listeners of how she helped the Ascendant Group launch its own publishing and entertainment division, Ascendant Entertainment. Ascendant is a large company focusing on CEO’s and has helped build the CEO branding of many high-powered executives for almost two decades.

And what’s more, she will do it in a manner that is sure to tickle your funny bone and maintain your attention, from start to finish.

That is Gomez’s USP. Her time in the industry has taught her how to keep long-term relationships with her clients. Having said that, if you are planning to enlist her help, take note that she can be brutally honest with her feedback and does not shy away from calling the shots. In other words, don’t be shocked if she critiques what you thought was your best work too much – that’s her job! Gomez pledges her wholehearted support through every step of the publishing process but makes sure to keep clients’ expectations in check so they can achieve their dreams. 

With this uncanny ability to really make people listen, instead of merely hearing her out, Gomez embodies the strong, modern and diverse female entrepreneur of the 21st century; an inspiration to writers, book lovers, businesswomen and all people of color. She can surely make your next corporate event an insightful one

How can you promote your CEO differently?

Every company knows that their CEO is an integrated part of their popularity mission so query arises more often how I can promote my CEO. The event managers of PR firms suggest that a CEO has to be marketed as individual personalities covering his personal traits and achievements to get combine into the scene of the corporate market. It completes the conveyance of the right message in front of the target customers. This preparation must include strategic blend of thought leadership.

There is no substitute for hiring professionals of renowned PR firms to prepare for the different channels of social media, speaking engagements, publishing and sports events. As you are looking for new shape of your company so relying on IT professional of your in-office cannot bring favoring results to you. You need a team that comprises event managers, surveyors, writers and IT professionals’ altogether. Ask yourself what you stand by and who are with you. It helps to discuss your visionary plans with professionals. A study done in the market reveals that 44 percent of a company’s market value is directly an outcome of strategies that you adopt how I can promote my CEO.


Friday, January 14, 2022

Ascendant Group wins 2021 Blue Hen 17&43 Award


As the world becomes more and more digitized by the day, the need for one’s own brand identity only intensifies. Whether you’re an executive or entrepreneur you must cultivate a USP of some sort in order to stand out in a sea of competitors.


The Blue Hen 17&43 Awards, in essence, celebrates the fastest-growing companies, or the most promising ones, founded by the students or alumni of the University of Delaware (UD). They uphold its long-standing traditions of leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship, which have been in place since the institution was founded back in 1743. The idea is to recognize, and thereby, honor, the success of UD’s Horn Entrepreneurship School and the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics.


But how does one qualify for the award? In a nutshell, those on the fastest-growing companies list are assessed on their respective rates of growth. Additionally, they must have had a total revenue of at least $1,000,000 in the last three years. In addition to, nominees on the Most Promising Ventures list are evaluated upon their impact potential.


Each year the number of applicants nearly doubled despite the ongoing coronavirus crisis.


Of course, a great number of applicants means greater competition and The Ascendant Group is proud to say it emerged successful through it all! We have been ranked at number 14 on the list of the Fastest-Growing Companies of 2021. The top company on the list is Sponsor United, with a growth rate of 177%, founded by Bob Lynch of the Class of 2002


We at The Ascendant Group would like to formally congratulate those who made it into the Most Promising Ventures category. Indeed, the work being done by the many leaders and change-makers on the list, to drive industrial excellence and support research, innovation, job creation and society, is commendable, to say the least. It is refreshing to see that the list included projects by alumni members, such as 3DiBNow by David Woods from the class of 1982, as well as the work of current students, like Backyard Gig by Class of 2023 co-founders Shahroze Ali and Suryanuj Gupta.


Ascendant Group has employed six graduates for students of internships over the past year, and remains committed to the Blue Hen community. It is our goal to exceed expectations and help our clients succeed.

Here’s What Training Courses Look Like in the Metaverse

Virtual Reality has been the topic of ongoing discussions with the introduction of the Metaverse this year. The capabilities of this technology have been around for quite some time, but only now are companies beginning to take advantage of its capabilities. Nike has purchased land in Roblox, Pepsi is rumored to be creating an NFT collection, and Disney wants to create their own metaverse. There is no doubt that virtual reality will be a great source of entertainment but what does it look like in education?


Ascendant Group client, Fierce Inc. is looking to pilot the fields of training, learning, and development within the Metaverse. Prior to the pandemic, they learned a great deal about their clients through their built-in data system which allows clients to answer survey questions. Once they started to dissect the data, the shortcomings in their model became apparent. The question regarding facilitators, “How would you rate the facilitator’s skills?” consistently scored in the 90s, indicating the learner loved the overall experience. Two questions scored significantly lower – “How likely are you to use the concepts and models?” and “How ready are you to apply what you’ve learned?” Our scores, along with customer verbatims, illuminated to us that our learning efficacy was low.


This is when the idea of 3D/VR simulations came into play. Immersive learning has been shown to increase retention significantly. The point of training in the Metaverse is to immerse the learner in the scenario and allow them to participate in a safe environment where they can learn or hit re-do to try again. This way, when it comes to real life, they have already practiced the situation thoroughly. What Types of Trainings Can This Be Applied To?


A great example is from early in the pandemic, a Fierce Inc. client was struggling with in-store sales as customers often wanted to interact in opposite ways. On one side, a client wouldn’t want a salesman to shake their hand or get too close. On the other, the client would get mad about having to wear a mask. After developing a training with their VP of Sales, the BETA tests proved this hypothesis and provided great learning for retail employees. Another successful BETA was done with a hospital chain who needed nurses to be able to provide quick feedback, confront, and delegate with physicians.


In both situations the companies had similar constraints as they could not have employees off shift for hours at a time. This is the benefit of Metaverse training, it is mobile and can be done in 15 minutes or less if needed. What Does This Mean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I)?


As a company, Fierce Conversations are always looking toward the primary goal of engaging your environment, no matter the situation– whether that’s the need to provide feedback, ask for it, address an issue, or set clear intentions for a meeting. This should be the foundation for any organization and leads to anything an organization hopes to accomplish.


Fierce Inc. recently partnered with Dr. Yasmin Davids, founder of the Dr. Yasmin Davids’ Leadership Institute, a multi-ethnic, anti-racist organization partnered with USC and UCSD. Dr. Davids equips people with techniques on how to be “Graciously Assertive,” which teaches that women can be assertive and effective in the workplace–just like their male counterparts–while avoiding negative connotations. By capturing these techniques along with Fierce Inc. conversation models in 3D/VR simulations, they do role reversals to illustrate the importance of engaging in these critical conversations to evoke learning and enrich relationships while avoiding anger, defensiveness, and toxic environments. Metaverse training will only grow as time goes on. Using it to improve society should be at the top of our priority list.


“Fierce is passionate about empowering the world with conversation techniques and is partnering with leaders in their fields to bring immersive Metaverse Training to their learners along with embedded conversation techniques. Our mission is to better the world, one conversation at a time, and to continue as The Metaverse Training Company.

Let’s the world falls in your lap : Top pr firms Philadelphia

 Top pr firms Philadelphia advice that each of your decision in regard to activities of your company and your participation in public events impact your image in the corporate market. Every corporate leaders is going for transparent content in his business websites but time is asking for more. A frequent participation in sports events as a guest speaker or a donor in eradication of any social issue can gather millions of eyeballs for your personal popularity in a shorter time. You have to get huge  voice in favour of you from all corners of the nation. Your personal marketing depends on infinite ideas, only a professional knows what suits you at the best.

Your in-office IT professional can’t provide that output what you needed at earliest. A little delay can boon your competitor. It may add more distance to your name in the corporate market. Our traditional marketing professionals have been adopting method of campaigning for particular cause since many decades.  Now professionals of Top pr firms Philadelphia are folding new layers in this campaigning session to do impressive personal branding so popularity can be created from all corners of the society as well as the market. 


Monday, January 10, 2022

How CEO Branding Can Help Grow Your Audience


Every successful company has an asset that they fail to leverage - the CEO brand. Think of companies like Tesla. Elon Musk is a well-known personality and has a great influence on consumer behavior. People see him and instantly think of innovation. Through his platforms, he can explain why he creates his products, and why people need them, giving consumers a better understanding. Since people feel connected to him, they are more likely to purchase a Tesla over a competitive electric car. As an executive, you have this power as well. CEO branding is accomplished through the process of getting the right message directly in front of your target audience, using a strategic blend of thought leadership that's demonstrated through social media, speaking engagements, publishing and savvy public relations. It all starts with determining how the CEO's brand maps to the corporate brand and how it can be used to generate access to the target market at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

Even when you’re selling B2B, you’re not selling to a business. You are selling to a person who works for that business. This is why CEOs and executives need to leverage their connections and establish trust with an overall audience. When a CEO acts as a thought leader, it provides value to an audience. When done correctly, CEOs can talk about their businesses during interviews while sounding organic instead of arrogant.

How Do I Rebrand?

Just as you would create a consistent and memorable brand for your business, every leader should create a brand for themselves in order to connect with their audience. This cannot and should not be the same for individuals within corporations, but tailored to your own unique image. When strategizing for a brand, it is important to consider the brand personality and tone of voice, all of this goes into creating consistent messaging and an efficient tagline.

You can rebrand yourself by developing a one-liner that captures who you are in the marketplace. Utilize that one saying in your LinkedIn header, on other social media profiles, and in your bio. If people hear it enough, they will begin to buy into it. Have unique values are offerings for the people that see your page, make them feel something. Branding is about making a connection, showing that you do your job well, and making sure people remember it.

Build a Reputation

Reputations aren't built overnight. They are built through consistent and memorable impressions. When networking, provide value to others instead of pitching your product. Make referrals to help people grow their business or offer valuable insights without charging for them. This makes you more endearing and trustworthy and builds relational equity -- all adding to your reputation. When you shift your focus and look for how you help other people, they will remember you and come back to you when needed. Your audience will see you as reliable and caring, and those you have helped will tell others about you.

Maintain Your Reputation

If your brand has taken a hit, rehabilitation can be difficult, but a likable and trusted face personalizes it. Instead of traditional reputation management practices, think about taking the offensive by showing key leaders participating in community service work or listening sessions with customers. Faceless organizations are easy to turn into piñatas. However, when you see leaders demonstrating care, these brands become more human. Overall, human to human (H2H) connection is the best way to sell a product and grow an audience. The investment of your time in strategizing and executing your CEO brand can have a great impact on your company and, from my perspective, it is one of the most beneficial things you can do for its overall growth.

How to Improve Your Brand in the New Year: Part I - Getting Creative with Engagement

 The tradition of setting new year’s resolutions is often associated with the same goals: exercise more, eat healthier, read more books, and so on. That being said, the majority of people never accomplish their new year’s resolutions. Why? Our belief is that many people approach resolutions as an idea rather than setting measurable goals and strategies. Just as people set goals to improve in the new year, brands should be as well. Your brand personality, just like a person, should evolve and grow with time. Here are some practical strategies that you can use to improve your overall brand in 2022

Get Creative with Engagement

With countless brands trying to engage with users online, your brand cannot utilize what are now stale strategies. What worked pre-March 2020 is now totally different just because of the large influx of companies and personal brands that have increased their online activity. Already overwhelmed prospective customers have been inundated with even more irrelevant messaging, making them jaded and shortening attention spans to nearly nil.

Take brands like We’re Not Really Strangers as an example. Primarily, they engage with their audience by posting relatable and aesthetic content (which reflects their brand) that people enjoy sharing on their own personal stories. Additionally, they post polls to their stories in order to gather feedback from customers while at the same time providing value to those who participate. One of their best branding strategies is they have a finsta which is less curated and not under the brand name. This keeps users engaged without feeling like they are being marketed to.

The lesson here is don’t force feed what you think the audience needs. Let them see it reflected through your content.

In our next blog, we will focus on how clarity is key.


Saturday, January 8, 2022

Be an easy achiever with dose of personal branding services

 The professionals providing personal branding services are much knowledgeable about all corners of your marketing space. Create the need to enjoy a wide identity in your mind. You must have noticed that the market has changed its trend from marketing of products to personal marketing so your early acceptance to these new changes will result in heavy profit to your company. Online surveys has revealed a new truth about the market that professionals, individuals or company CEOs who are active on their social media accounts regularly are active achievers in relation to their professional plans.

Truly speaking, these professionals will be playing the role of marketing professionals outside your company. They have strong writer’s support system that can solve all glitches of the marketing world. The professional event managers, here; suggest that strategy is the key reason to build relationship with the masses andenjoy limelight. The method to engage the public to your visionary plans andwelfare motives. Maximum space is covered by posting impressive content and sending replies to all followers on all the platforms of social media accounts of their each customer.  Do you know that Personal branding services can make noise for your name and fame in all corners of the industry?  Let make it happen.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Digging for new points of visibility through top PR firms in Philadelphia

 Top PR firms Philadelphia respect your hard-work that how you brought up your business with love and care to every part of growth. The analysists in their team begin the war for more popularity by drafting out business offers of your company to woo target audience. Later on, these offers are mingled with a marketing strategy that fills the gaps and vulnerabilities coming in the way to achieve your goals in planned time. If they find their client an introvert personality; they work hard to change that perception because in competitive corporate world today, the participation in social gathering, sports matches of renowned sports club is obligatory. Such customized guidance multiplies their popularity around the globe within few weeks.

Posts, descriptions, blogs and articles would be uploaded on your social media accounts every week and their IT experts would keep record of all traffic to your business website for few days. You have to understand that digital world calls for speedy actions that your in-office employees can’t accomplish. Contacting professionals who are handling thousands of professionals and corporate leaders are skilled in foreseeing hassles prior to your imagination. This keeps you ahead in scenting the scenes of the tomorrow. Top PR firms Philadelphiahave all tools to keep you in pace with the twists and turns of the market.

CEO Branding Strategy: Building Influence and Trust

A strong CEO branding strategy is essential for positioning a leader as an industry authority while driving business success. A well-brande...