Thursday, February 17, 2022

It’s the 21st Century. You Need to Offer This for Your Employees


It’s back to school season, and for parents who began working from home, it’s a respite from kids making unannounced appearances during important Zoom meetings. For a lot of companies, it’s “begin bringing your employees back to the office season” although many employees, especially working parents, are choosing unemployment over going returning to the office. Why? The astronomical cost of childcare is often more than one spouse’s salary.

During the early to mid 1900s, it was possible for one spouse to fully support a family. In 2021, even with both spouses working many families still struggle to survive. This is especially the case when one spouse works full time and the other takes care of the children and then works part time at night or on weekends.

However, it’s the 21st century and it’s time employers and companies offer more flexible schedules to accommodate a better work-life balance for men and women. Although many CEOs may be reluctant to continue allowing employees to work from home, studies show that there are many benefits for the company who offers flexible scheduling: reduced operations costs, increased employee satisfaction, increased employee retention, less time missed, increased productivity, and an overall increase in the company's bottom line.

Here are 3 ways that you can offer flexibility to your employees while maintaining your company’s growth and success:

1. Allow Employees to Work From Home Full Time

Managers may fear that they cannot manage an employee that they are not within a five foot proximity of. The truth is that a lazy employee will be a lazy employee wherever they are. Your best employees will continue to produce quality work, and may even offer more innovative solutions being given the freedom to do so. Without the daily commute, you will also see an increase in employee energy and motivation.

2. A Hybrid Schedule

With a hybrid schedule, employees have a certain amount of days that they work from home and work in the office. This is great for employees who can do a majority of their work remotely, but still require resources only found at a job site. Employees who have a long commute but thrive in collaborative situations would appreciate this type of arrangement. With this option, both the company and the employee have the best of both worlds.

3. Flexible Hours

Many jobs do not require an employee to work during a specific set of hours in order for productivity objectives to be met. Allowing employees to work early, late, or even split shifts allows the employee to balance and fulfill their work and personal obligations. This type of arrangement is also highly beneficial when working with partners and clients in various time zones. Your company can meet the needs of your client during times that are convenient for both parties.

The bottom line is that flexible schedules benefit the company as much as its employees. Even though some CEOs may be hesitant to adopt these policies permanently, the past year shows that working from home will not cause a business to fail, but instead can help it to flourish. Flexible scheduling is an option made possible by 21st century technology allowing employees a better work-life balance while increasing company profits.

The Power of Leading With Values


Leading with beliefs and values has become increasingly challenging in today’s environment. As a company, Ascendant has always made the effort, at times clumsily, to constantly raise the standard for excellence while demonstrating core values.

When one has core values, they must not be easily dissuaded or intimidated to conform to the norm. They answer to a higher calling and live their lives according to Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” For example, according to an April 2020 article in Creative Studio, “Christian CEOs want their faith in Christ to be fully integrated into their business practices, influencing everything from production to employee relations, from hiring practices to strategic planning.”

We interviewed our own CEO, Raoul Davis about values. He shared five pillars that were influential in his own life including his Christian values.

Pillar One: Spirit

Values can be centering for how a CEO leads. For example, when one decides to follow Jesus Christ, they believe the Holy Spirit begins to guide, direct, convict, comfort, and help that person walk in a more selfless way. One way to accomplish that is through daily prayer, listening for direction, journaling, and then committing to following those directions.It becomes really difficult to pray, reflect, and think about the needs of others and then lead with greed. Being centered around values can help you build a better overall culture.

Pillar Two: Strategy

Christian CEOs don’t rely on their own power, but realize the successes they achieve are due to faithfulness to complete the good work started in them (Philippians 1:6). Sam Thevanayagam, CEO of Parts Life, Inc., says regarding his gift of recreating, “I have a unique ability and a unique process – it’s actually trademarked – that not only recreates a technical data package but then recreates a part.”

At Ascendant, the way we focus on putting clients’ needs first, positively communicate with our team, and innovate is influenced by Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, John the Baptist, and the teachings of Jesus. As one Ascendant client, JiNan Glasgow George says (, “God gave us all the power to create.”

Pillar Three: Clarity

Peter Demos grew up in the restaurant business with his parents but chose his own path as a lawyer before he gave his life to Christ in his forties. “Demos’ understanding of his mission and purpose was further clarified when a trusted mentor told him that he isn’t actually the managing director of the company – God is. Ever since then, Demos has viewed himself as a steward.”

Raoul Davis, CEO of Ascendant Group, started his company with a vision to merge his passions. He loves sports and he loves God. His heart’s desire was to avoid trying to put their clients in a box, but to amplify their strengths. By working with clients that exemplify excellence, mission, and ideas that better the world it helps Ascendant meet its vision to to help infuse positivity and hope in a world that desperately needs it.

Pillar Four: Assignment

While most CEOs start a business with a purpose, usually born out of a passion, value-based CEOs do so more from a position of knowing their assignment comes from their deep imbedded beliefs, not just something they thought up themselves. Simon Lee, CEO of Buy On Purpose, had the same literal dream for 30 days straight. Over a three-month period, he fasted, prayed, and sought counsel regarding the interpretation. He eventually concluded God was calling him to start up a company and give away 50% of his profit. However, Lee didn’t push ahead with his decision until God answered his prayer for his parents to be in unity with his decision to leave their business and start out on his own. The time between when his dream started until he started his business was six months. Maybe it was the combination of trusting a dream, patiently awaiting his parents’ blessing, and faithful diligence on the front end, but Buy On Purpose has proven to be successful year after year. The average NPS (Net Promoter Score) for a company is 42. Lee’s business’ score is 88.

Pillar Five: Anchoring

One of the ways to measure a CEOs success is through understanding what anchors them.

Jeff and Ally Davidson started Camp Gladiator, one of the nation’s fastest-growing fitness companies, because they chose to live generously. They believe “God created a world where there’s enough to go around. He clothes the flowers and feeds the birds, and he’s going to take care of us. We have an abundance mentality because we have faith in God.” It’s that anchor that has allowed Camp Gladiator to design their packages to be as accessible as possible to everyone, not serving only the elite. They also ensure that anchor carries through to their employees which cultivates a positive company culture.

The Ascendant team has a director of Encouragement and Organization who often writes encouraging emails to staff with an open invitation allowing them to submit prayer requests or just state areas they need support. Joan Maxwell, CEO of Regulator Marine, has a team called “In His Service,” which administers the company’s employee emergency assistance fund and its corporate giving, as well as plans events for the factory. This reinforces their anchor focused on serving others. The ultimate goal of Simon Lee, Jeff and Ally Davidson, and other Christian CEOs is “to honor God and serve others.”


Many value-based CEOs have these five pillars in common. They all want to honor their beliefs, serve others, and live the principles of their faith in a world that too often only provides lip service.

Rising from a critic’s eye : Top pr firms Philadelphia


Top pr firms Philadelphia present you vision of deep impact that go around in each professional activity that you do every day. The current market situation is dealing with new challenges that were not present few years back. The world has moved from transparent content and appealing websites. Every day is demanding for new changes and your relation with renowned PR firms keep you up to date with all the requirements for the growth of your business and good name of your company.

Our professional marketers advise each client to participate frequently in sports events as a guest speaker or a donor in eradication of any social issue. It can surely gather millions of eyeballs for your personal popularity in a shorter time. You have to get huge voice in favour of you from all corners of the nation. Your in-office IT professional can’t provide that output what you needed at earliest. Top pr firms Philadelphia are adding new strategies based on their past success and critic’s suggestions. Meeting them could make a famous personality of the corporate world.

Your vision of personal Campaigning : Personal Branding


New day, a new beginning to cover losses of the yesterday and building financial freedom for your company’s life. A corporate leader’s personal branding brings him/her nearer to such essentialities of the market. Their professional writers never leave a minor space in highlighting their client’s individual uniqueness. This unique expressions is sewed into the next thread of emotional connection with current consumers. They explain that a leader have to place a space where consumers can show their loyalty with your name and company. Ittakes time to accomplish such important task for your long time gain. The IT professionals take a week acute preparation to bring many userson your followers list.


Now, comes the turn of your sale team to turn your followers into your customers. The market is offering huge space who are worried about the welfare of the society. Your honest intentions and valuable products spread your name in each corner of the market.

As we take decision in various steps when it impacts our life and relations so creating the need for your product undergoes same systematic process. Your participating in national conferences organized by national newspaper make you an apple of the eye to the common public. Personal branding is a cup of glory and popularity. Go and grab it for your own benefits.


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Without a Digital Presence You’re Invisible


Business cards and billboards still exist, but customers are far more likely to save your information by using Instagram or Facebook. If your products and services are a hit, people will leave glowing reviews on sites like Amazon, Google, Yelp, or Facebook giving your company free publicity to a wide reaching audience. If your advertising strategy is limited to print, your loyalty base will only extend as far as local and niche markets rendering your company invisible to the rest.

Being visible and having an online presence does not mean spending a fortune to hire a web developer. We’ve outlined three core strategies for maximizing your online marketing strategy below.

Create a Website

Your website is an opportunity to showcase your brand and allow consumers to get to know you and your company. In this Age of Information, consumers are used to being able to research brands simply by pulling out their phones. If your target audience lacks this ability to get information quickly and simply, you could lose the opportunity to gain a repeat customer, business partner, or even a multimillion-dollar investor. The internet has grown since Yahoo!’s GeoCities and Weebly. There are a plethora of platforms that offer free and paid services that allow an average user to create beautiful and professional websites. These hosts, such as Wix, WordPress, and Squarespace, use a modular design so your website will have a clean modern feel that consumers have come to expect.

Develop a Social Media Strategy

Social media sites and apps are arguably the best marketing tool of the 21st century.

Your posts can be viewed or shared hundreds of thousands of times within a few minutes by users around the world. Instead of asking for a business card, people usually ask for an Instagram profile or a Twitter handle. Some people may be resistant to creating a social media profile, however having a following will brand you as a person of influence and help promote an emotional connection with your followers. When you share your successes with your audience, they too will feel a sense of pride and achievement. Replying to followers is another way to create that emotional bond. People like to feel like they are heard and their opinion is valued. Social media provides this opportunity.

Review Your Online Presence

It might seem like a silly idea to Google yourself or your company, but you might be surprised as to what shows up in the results. People may be leaving positive reviews across the board, which of course is always a great feeling. On the other hand, one or two negative reviews or comments could lead to a tarnished reputation. Knowing what’s out there gives you the chance to respond to the situation, and when appropriate, take responsibility and make things right for the customer. Taking accountability will only further deepen your target audience’s loyalty and respect for your brand. Admittedly, managing comments and reviews can be a complicated and mundane task. A reputable branding or PR company would be able to bolster a well deserved positive online reputation.

If you have questions or are seeking guidance on how to best create a web presence, don’t hesitate to send us a message or connect with us on Twitter @CEO_Branding. Ascendant Group would be more than happy to help you navigate the ever changing landscape of digital marketing and branding.

Unable to Enter the Global Market? Ascendant’s Global Division Can Make Your Expansion Happen


Our world class team has the knowledge, skills, and connections to help you navigate the global market and form lifelong international partnerships. Our professionals are located in the United States, Europe, Africa, Canada, and the Middle East, and have represented CEOs and businesses in countries that include Peru, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, China, Egypt, India, Germany, and Poland. With their collective knowledge, our team provides top ranked services and will analyze what makes your company unique and launch personalized and lucrative campaigns within the multitude of different cultural and business norms.

In order to expand our clients’ network and overall global reach, we’ve partnered with networking communities such as Clutch, Adworld Masters, EPNers in Egypt, Clubhouse, and CEO Connections. These platforms allow our clients to gain global exposure and connect the dots between services, products, and consumers. Whether it’s a personal CEO brand or a luxury brand, Ascendant Group will ensure you make the right connections to reach your target audiences.

When it comes to exposure and product placements, we offer our clients access to top tier media outlets. And unlike other companies, when it comes to product placement we guarantee a minimum number of placements. Our promise is to secure guaranteed significant visibility for foreign clients within the first 60 days by utilizing public relations in the United States.

We’ve done all the hard work for you. Take the next steps in expanding your business and international exposure by taking advantage of the knowledge and strategic networking connections we’ve made so you don’t have to travel the globe. When it comes to our clients, we don’t hold anything back so you can rest assured that you have full access to all of our resources tailored to meet your needs.

Connect with Ascendant Group on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Clutch.

Visit the Global Division’s webpage at

To contact us directly, email Gigi El-Shennawy at

CEO Brand Strategy: A Key to Business Success

  In today’s business landscape, a CEO’s personal brand is more than just a reflection of their leadership—it’s a strategic tool that can si...