More than ever consumers are putting more time into looking into individual companies before deciding where they are going to spend their hard earned money. They are paying attention to how CEOs are positioning themselves in light of the current pandemic and how the business is treating its employees, sourcing products and more. With the consumer holding the power, marketing strategies need to be moving to meet them. Human to human (H2H) marketing is vital to ensuring the survival and success of a business, especially in a post pandemic world.
Communicating effectively using the H2H strategy boils down to:
Humans first, customers second: Before you think of them as a customer, think of them as a human. Humans respond to empathy and emotions. Understanding what makes us human is what then allows us to connect with one another on the same level. What we post on social media, or put in an email does not have to be perfect, and those mistakes are what grounds us.
Authenticity: Say what your client needs to hear, not what they want to hear. Putting a face to the brand helps to humanize it and remind us that there are people running the business, not a logo. It also offers the opportunity for transparent communication which is a key to build rapport with their clients and keep them on as life long customers.
Each one of these points works with the others to create a meaningful connection with the consumer while also instilling brand loyalty and trust. Establishing a human to human connection starts with having a CEO leader that is willing to step out from behind their office doors and connect with both potential and current customers. Working with the right personal branding company allows them to develop the right personal branding strategies that will make all the difference in standing out to your customer.
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